Planning code guidance
Planning guidance is needed from time to time to help local government and developers adopt best practice planning principles. It also helps address technically complex planning matters.
These codes and assessment benchmarks set out provisions which local government can choose to include in their local planning schemes based on their local context.
Model codes
Queensland’s coastline is home to many turtles and new development in turtle sensitive areas has the potential to adversely impact nesting turtles.
The Sea Turtle Sensitive Area Model Code provides local government with a set of provisions (such as ways to avoid direct artificial light on beaches, the ocean and sky) which can be implemented in local planning schemes.
The voluntary code enables local government to adapt the provisions within the code to suit their local area.
The Model Code for neighbourhood design has been developed to assist local government to address aspects of the ‘Liveable communities’ state interest of the State Planning Policy.
The code provides a contemporary set of standards that can be used by local government to assist in integrating the state interest.
The design of our neighbourhoods can support the health and wellbeing of communities by providing opportunities for increased daily physical activity and proximity to parks and open space.
The model code is a set of provisions for reconfiguring a lot, providing best practice neighbourhood design and promoting the creation of walkable neighbourhoods for local government and developers. Many progressive local planning schemes across Queensland will already include provisions that meet or exceed the provisions in this model code.
The model code has been updated to reflect local government, industry and community feedback and supports the assessment benchmarks in the Planning Regulation 2017 for certain development applications for reconfiguring a lot.
See Healthy and active communities for information on creating more liveable communities.
Assessment benchmarks
The Strategic airports and aviation facilities state interest – Example planning scheme assessment benchmarks have been prepared to assist local government to effectively integrate the Strategic airports and aviation facilities state interest of the State Planning Policy when making or amending their local planning scheme.
The measures included in a planning scheme include assessment benchmarks, being the matters against which a development proposed in a development application must be assessed against.
Assessment benchmarks to effectively integrate the Strategic airports and aviation facilities state interest can be technically complex and as such, this document provides example assessment benchmarks.
The Natural hazards, risk and resilience state interest – Bushfire – Example planning scheme assessment benchmarks have been prepared to assist local government to effectively integrate the bushfire hazard component of the Natural hazards, risk and resilience state interest of the State Planning Policy when making or amending their local planning scheme.
The measures to be included in a planning scheme include applying zones or other locally specific provisions to land (such as overlays and local plans) and including assessment benchmarks, being the matters against which a development proposed in a development application must be assessed against.
Assessment benchmarks to effectively integrate the bushfire elements of the Natural hazards, risk and resilience state interest can be technically complex and as such, this document provides example assessment benchmarks.
Other plan-drafting guidance
The Queensland Government recognises that incorporating the unique requirements of craft breweries into planning schemes is important in supporting the craft brewing industry. The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water has developed a Queensland Craft Brewing Strategy.
View this fact sheet for more details.
The Queensland Government is committed to developing a sustainable hydrogen industry. Hydrogen activities may take many different forms, ranging from production and storage to transferring and use.
The Hydrogen development – Guidance for local governments (
1.3 MB) will help to ensure local planning schemes are drafted to appropriately support a sustainable hydrogen industry in Queensland.
Last updated: 25 May 2022