The Queensland Government is now in a caretaker period until after the state election. Minimal updates will be made to this site until after the election results are declared.

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What is plan-making?

The state government 's State Planning Policy (SPP) and regional plans set out the state's interests in plan-making. These state interests are delivered through a local planning scheme.

Each local government prepares and owns its local planning scheme. A planning scheme sets out plans for managing and guiding growth and change in each local government area across Queensland. It regulates what new development should occur and how.

The Minister's Guidelines and Rules (MGR)  is a statutory instrument. It sets out the processes for how local planning instruments are made or amended. Local planning instruments include:

The state government approves local planning schemes and some amendments.

Community engagement

Queensland's plan-making processes outline community engagement requirements. You can get involved and comment when a local government is making or amending their planning scheme. For more information on plan-making processes that are underway, visit your local government's website or the plan-making dashboard.

The community and industry can also get involved when the state government is preparing a new or amending an existing SPP or regional plan.

Last updated: 25 May 2022