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Infrastructure charges

A local government can levy infrastructure charges to cover the costs of providing trunk infrastructure if:

  • they have a local government infrastructure plan (LGIP) in place, and
  • it has been determined that development will place extra demand on the trunk infrastructure network.

The legislation and regulation set the maximum adopted infrastructure charges that a local government can levy on development.

Infrastructure charges may be levied by a local government through an infrastructure charges notice. They can also be offset or refunded against trunk infrastructure that is provided by a developer through a condition as part of a development approval.

Below is a summary of information about infrastructure charges. View guidance material for local infrastructure planning for more detailed information.

  • If a local government has an LGIP in place, the local government is required to adopt an infrastructure charges resolution (resolution) to levy infrastructure charges.

    The resolution may state different infrastructure charging amounts for local government areas and provides for the indexation of a levied charge. An adopted charge under a resolution must be no more than the maximum adopted charge.

    A local government must upload and keep a resolution on its website. A resolution must also be attached to a local planning scheme, but it does not form part of the local planning scheme.

    Local governments can download a copy of the Infrastructure charges resolution template.

    For more information about your local government's adopted infrastructure charge resolution, contact your local government.

  • We've developed a Producer price index (PPI) calculation spread sheet ( 93.6 KB) to assist local governments and applicants in calculating the automatic increases in levied charges from when they are levied through an infrastructure charges notice, to when they are paid.

    The PPI for construction 6427.0 index number 3101 - Road and Bridge construction index for Queensland is used to calculate the increase. This information is released quarterly by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The PPI calculation spreadsheet can be used by local governments to index levied charges and can be updated to incorporate new information as it becomes available.

  • Infrastructure agreements can be used for approved development that results in additional demand placed on existing or anticipated trunk infrastructure. It may be used by local governments who are unable to levy infrastructure charges as they do not have an LGIP in place. They can be used to facilitate outcomes on infrastructure matters:

    • that may not have been appropriately resolved through development approval conditions and infrastructure charges notices (including extending or altering the terms identified in these notices)
    • where the applicant wishes to provide or fund infrastructure that is not in an LGIP
    • where a custom solution is preferred by all parties.
  • Where a development is out of sequence or inconsistent with an LGIP, or where a development is located outside the priority infrastructure area (PIA), an applicant may be liable for extra costs. These are imposed through an extra payment condition.

    Extra payment conditions can be imposed on a development approval if the proposed development:

    • generates more infrastructure demand than the type and scale of development assumed in the LGIP; or
    • requires new trunk infrastructure earlier than identified in the LGIP; or
    • is for a premises completely or partly outside the PIA; and
    • would impose extra trunk infrastructure costs on the local government.
  • South East Queensland local governments set infrastructure charges for:

    • transport
    • stormwater
    • parks and land for community facilities.

    Water supply and wastewater (sewerage) infrastructure charges in this region are set by water distributor-retailers. This is done independently through a board decision. Charges are published in a water netserv plan.

    The local government and distributor-retailer entities' total infrastructure adopted charge is limited to the maximum amount that can be levied. The entities can enter into a breakup agreement about the breakup of the charges. The infrastructure charges resolution and the water netserv plan must include the proportion of the charge that each party is entitled to levy (the charges breakup) in their resolutions and netserv plans.

    Where a local government and distributor-retailer set a new charges breakup, each must have an adopted charge in line with the charges breakup before it can take effect.

    Find out more about South East Queensland water distributor-retailers:

Last updated: 09 Jul 2024