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Growing together

We believe in growth that enriches the lives of our vibrant communities, providing a positive future for all Queenslanders.

Over the next 10 years our state will become home to over a million new Queenslanders. We have a plan to make more than homes. This includes more hospitals, improved public transport, better amenities, and green spaces to improve the lives of all Queenslanders, now and well into the future.

Let’s grow a better Queensland together

More homes

More public transport

More community spaces

More hospitals

A map of Queensland displaying major regions

Population growth in Queensland

With natural increases and migration, our state is expected to grow by over a million new Queenslanders by 2036*.

*Queensland Government Statistician’s Office. 1,274,788 additional persons from 2021-2036 (medium series).

To make the most of the opportunities that growth provides, it’s critical that we plan for it in the right way – to meet the current and future needs of our changing population.

Find out more about planning and how you can get involved.

Key housing terms

  • When we talk about housing diversity, we are referring to a range of different housing ‘types’ such as townhouses, micro lots, triplexes, medium density (up to 3 storeys) in addition to standalone houses (or detached dwellings).

    In Queensland, detached dwellings are the most common type of housing. When communities support diverse housing developments, this can make a huge difference to the housing options available to community members now and in the future. Not everyone wants to live the same way and preferences can change over time depending on personal circumstances or lifestyle choices. This may be adult children living independently, couples starting a family, relocation due to career opportunities and retirement.

    Planning for the region can accommodate these changes by enabling new models of living, services and lifestyle, including inter-generational living and the ability to age in place.

  • The term ‘housing affordability’ usually refers to the relationship between expenditure on housing (prices, mortgage payments or rents) and household incomes. A common measure of rental stress is to look at the proportion of lower income households paying more than 30% of their income on housing costs. The Australian Bureau of Statistics and various housing industry associations publish ratio measures.

    Residual measures are often used by researchers and academics which explore the capacity of a household to maintain an acceptable standard of living after housing costs.

    The concept of ‘housing affordability' is different to the concept of ‘affordable housing’, which refers to low-income or social housing.

    Communities which offer greater housing diversity increase supply, affordability, and opportunities for people to find homes that meet their needs and budgets in the communities they know and love.

  • A street of tightly packed two-story houses © Andrew Rankin

    Social housing provides safe, secure, and sustainable homes to some of the most vulnerable people in Queensland, and also includes ‘public’ or ‘community’ housing.

    • Public housing is long-term housing managed by the Queensland Government.
    • Community housing is managed by non-government or community organisations, or local governments.
    • Social housing is for eligible people who are in the highest need of housing assistance.

    The Queensland Government provides a range of support to those wanting to apply for social housing or to get into the private rental market, including bond loans, rental grants and a RentConnect service.

    Anyone who needs housing assistance can contact their local Housing Service Centre during business hours or call the 24/7 Homeless Hotline on 1800 474 753.

    For more information, visit

  • Regional plans are strategic documents that guide land use planning across multiple councils to support economic growth, development and liveable communities while protecting natural resources. They set the direction and long-term vision for how each of Queensland’s 13 regions will grow and respond to change over time. Each local government must take these regional plans into consideration when preparing their local planning schemes.

    The community and industry can get involved when the state government is preparing a new plan or amending an existing regional plan.

    Find out how you can have your say in future planning

  • In Queensland, planning is a joint effort between 77 councils and the Queensland Government. The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning is the custodian of the overarching planning framework to ensure state and local interests are integrated into planning schemes to guide and shape the future of our communities.

    Every local government in Queensland prepares a local planning scheme to provide residents, businesses, and governments with a shared vision for the community to manage growth and change. It regulates what new development should occur and how.

    Community members can access their local planning scheme to find out what sort of development they can expect to see in their local area and have an opportunity to provide feedback or comment on proposed changes. A common misconception during community consultation is that only those who oppose a plan should provide feedback however submissions of support are also encouraged. All feedback is carefully considered and contributes to the development of the final plan.

    Find out more about local planning schemes or visit your local government’s website to view their local planning scheme.

  • A few blocks of houses surrounded by bushland

    State and local planning aim to make our towns and cities more sustainable by encouraging development in existing urban areas (consolidation) rather than expanding urban areas out onto undeveloped land (expansion). By developing in existing urban areas, existing infrastructure can support travel and access to services.

  • A suburb of residential houses

    Every piece of land in Queensland is included in a zone which allocates land for different uses. There are zones for residential, commercial and industrial development, for community facilities and services, for rural activities, and covering natural and recreation areas. Knowing your zone can help guide future property purchase or inform existing owners on what they can do with their land and consider future plans.

    Find out more about different types of zones or view your local government’s planning scheme for more detailed information in the area you live.

  • Urban density reflects the number of people living in an area and influences how the area functions. Focusing increased densities in and around locations that have good access to high-frequency public transport, employment and services will create communities that are well-planned and use land efficiently.

    Check out our fact sheets to see different examples of density in residential zones.

Our home

Living large in a tiny home: how one family found happiness in a space less than 100m2!

This is the first time we very much have the home we wanted, not just the house that was available.

Robert & Wendy, Gold Coast.

Granny flat living: how are granny flats helping to ease housing pressures?

We originally built the granny flat for our son, now we’ve got the opportunity to rent it out.

Rachel, Brisbane.

Go small and go home

The financial benefits speak for themselves. A 20ft Container expands into 36sqm home – all for just over $35,000.

John, Dayboro.

Explore more

28 Jun 2023
How effective planning can help keep communities together
03 May 2023
Queensland is experiencing exponential growth. Not only is the population growing, it’s changing and that requires an outcomes-based approach to the way in which we plan the cities, towns, regions and suburbs these people call home.
15 Mar 2023
The humble granny flat, known formally as a ‘secondary dwelling’, has been popping up in Queensland backyards for decades. As Queenslanders seek a variety of diverse housing options, homeowners are being encouraged to consider renting out their granny flats, providing prospective tenants with an alternative to traditional housing and increased social benefits.

Find more articles in our Housing library.

Our partners

This community education initiative has been developed in partnership with:

Council of Mayors (SEQ)
Local Government Association of Queensland
Planning Institute of Australia
Property Council of Australia
Q Shelter
Urban Development Institute of Australia