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Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
Planning overview
What is planning?
How does planning work?
Planning as a career
Planning framework
Infrastructure planning
Development assessment
State Assessment and Referral Agency
Dispute resolution
How is the planning framework performing?
Online planning services
Planning issues and interests
Inclusionary Planning Pilot
Easements and acquisitions
Decriminalisation of the sex work industry
Scheme Supply Fund
Addressing land supply and growth challenges in South East Queensland
Incentivising Infill Development Fund
Redland Housing Strategy
Granny flats
Updates to State code 23: Wind farm development and the associated Planning Guidance
Queensland Rural Workers’ Accommodation Initiative
Changes to regulation of rooming accommodation, dwellings houses and zone purpose statements
Changes to emergency housing regulations and infrastructure designation pathway for social and affordable housing
Changes to secondary dwellings
Areas of regional interest
Healthy and active communities
Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, culture, tradition
Planning Awards
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Planning issues and interests
Queensland Government Planning Awards
Apply now
Planning issues and interests
Inclusionary Planning Pilot
Easements and acquisitions
Decriminalisation of the sex work industry and the Queensland planning framework
Scheme Supply Fund
Addressing land supply and growth challenges in South East Queensland
Incentivising Infill Development Fund
Redland Housing Strategy
Secondary dwellings providing housing solutions
Updates to State code 23: Wind farm development and the associated Planning Guidance
Queensland Rural Workers’ Accommodation Initiative
Changes to regulation of rooming accommodation, dwellings houses and zone purpose statements
Changes to emergency housing regulations and infrastructure designation pathway for social and affordable housing
Changes to secondary dwellings
Areas of regional interest
Healthy and active communities
Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, culture, tradition
Queensland Government Planning Awards
Apply now
Previous winners
Wicked planning problem category
Apply now
I am a:
Student or have recently graduated
University representative or lecturer
Your details
First Name
Last Name
Mailing address
Email address
Griffith University
Queensland University of Technology
University of Queensland
University of Sunshine Coast
University of Southern Queensland
Year of study
I would like to nominate for:
Queensland Government Planning Award (Wicked Planning Problem)
I would like to nominate for:
Queensland Government Planning Award (Female Student in Planning)
Queensland Government Planning Award (Indigenous Student in Planning)
Submission documents
(please submit in Microsoft Word or PDF format only)
Wicked Planning Problem
Acknowledgement and declaration of submission
I have read and understood and agree to the Queensland Government Planning Awards guidelines, including the assessment criteria, and the Queensland Government Planning Awards privacy and security statement.
I confirm that the Wicked Planning Problem project is my original, unpublished work, except for any third-party material which is appropriately used, acknowledged and referenced in accordance with standard academic practice and copyright law.
I agree to the content of the Wicked Planning Problem project being published in accordance with the Queensland Government Planning Awards guidelines and the Queensland Government Planning Awards privacy and security statement.
Submission documents
(please submit in Microsoft Word or PDF format only)
Nominee’s written confirmation and agreement
Acknowledgement and declaration of submission
I have read and understood and agree to the Queensland Government Planning Award guidelines, including the assessment criteria, and the Queensland Government Planning Awards privacy and security statement.
I have ensured that this nominee has confirmed in writing they have read and understood and agree to the Queensland Government Planning Award guidelines, including the assessment criteria, and the Queensland Government Planning Awards privacy and security statement.
I confirm that the work and achievements referenced in the rationale are the nominated student’s original, unpublished work, except for any third-party material which is appropriately used, acknowledged and referenced in accordance with standard academic practice and copyright law.
I confirm that the nominated student’s rationale meets the 750-word limit as set out in the Queensland Government Planning Awards guidelines.
I confirm that the nominated student agrees to the content being published in accordance with the Queensland Government Planning Awards guidelines and the Queensland Government Planning Awards privacy and security statement.
I have attached a copy of each nominee's written confirmation and agreement.
Last updated:
29 Aug 2024